Friday, August 12, 2011
Is my hair unhealthy or is it just weird...?
I think you should use this product called Pink hair lotion, it says it works for any hair texture and gives your hair moisture, i use it and its pretty good, it kinda gives you a shine too, anyway i dnt thnk your hair is unhealthy, just take care of it more, shampoo and hair lotion should help, and try to use a conditioner too, that helps, straightening is also a factor to your problem, just try what i sugested and your hair should be better, ayte
Can anyone please offer any opinions/advice on the below? thanks?
Yes it's normal to still be hurt over what he did, that was not right of him. but i think you should give this new guy a chance, but if you get the chance, warn him of what happened toy ou before and how it made you feel, just so he knows. sometimes finding a new guy can help you get over an old one
How difficult? change a xbox360 DVD drive?
Ok first off, don't get a ps3. Also, have you tried resetting your laser? Open the tray, pull out the power cord, plug it back in and PUSH in the tray. You should hear it reset it will make a weird humming sound. You actually don't even have to pull the plug if you just open the tray and then push it in with enough force to make it close faster than it does with the button than you should also hear it reset. If the resetting of the laser doesn't work than I'd recommend buying a new pro, they'll run you around 80-100 dollars. Hope this helps.
Is it normal that when i get upset, i feel cold and start shivering and trembling?
The shivering and cold feeling isn't uncommon, quite normal actually when a person gets upset or angry, but you need to take steps to treat your depression. There is help out there and there's no need in living with suicidal thoughts and hating yourself. Perhaps talk to a psychiatrist or psychologist.
Whats a good name for this story?
Great! Your plot sounds really interesting. I would tend to combine a cover picture with the title. Have you read the book ' A path less travelled' [ recommend it.]. The cover could illustrate an angel with broken wings [if she's been an outcast because of her own behaviour then include a pierced heart]. the title could then perhaps be 'A Flight Less Travelled'. It seems you have found a different way to become an angel. Good luck and persevere as publishers can be blind to a good plot.
Do you think our love is real? do you think we will last?
My boyfriend and I have been dating for a year and a half, and its great. We are almost 18 and we just get along so well. We talk about getting married and swore we will never leave each other. He tells me how much he loves me everyday. We even swapped virginities when we had been together three months. We used to argue, but we fixed things. He left me for a couple weeks because I smoked with guys but I've changed and he dumped his week-long girlfriend to get back with me. Do you think we will last?
How about ending ALL energy subsidies and tax breaks - wind, solar, hydro, oil, bio, ethanol, etc?
The flaw in this thesis is that other countries are ramping up 21st century power and at the same time ramping down 19th century power via coal and oil. They see the writing on the wall, while our GOP/Teabag/Fox 'News' Axis only sees dollar signs from their most deep pocket contributors. The mantra about picking 'winners and losers' as a slogan works, but it fails to address the long term economic health of this country. Looking to the future IS the main function of modern government...the 'general welfare' of the nation trumps the smaller scale needs of a particular industry or industries. Of course the non existent 'lefties' tossed into the argument is just more of the BS we expect from those that pimp for the coal and oil mafias in their never ending hope of staying in business until the last lump of coal is burned and the last drop of oil is converted in cash. Sorry, bro, but I have to go with 21st century technology, not because it's 'left', but because it's the 'right' thing to do.
Starting the pill & worried about the side effects - Help!?
Today has been the first day of my period and I have just taken the first pill of the 28 day alesse package. I've been worried about the side effects and I would like to swap some stories! Which side effects did you experience while first starting? And how long did they last?
Does this deep conditioner work?
my friend recommended that i get bio infusion olive oil deep conditioner but i don't use the bio infusion line and i don't know if it will help. I have damaged hair from hot showers and blow dryers my hair has frizz so if anyone has used this product will it work for me should i get the bio infusion conditioner too? will the deep conditioner repair my hair and how long do you think it will take. thanks to who ever answers <3
I'm in a relationship with a guy who doesn't dance, but I absolutely love it. Should I stay with him?
It's been a couple months and I really like this guy. He supported me through one of the most trying times in my life and is a great emotional support. We can both be pretty stubborn, though, and one of the things I love most to do in the world is dance, but he says if he were to dance, it would change who he was. He loathes it and will never dance with me. He says he won't even dance at his wedding, and I can't even fathom that. I can't stop bringing it up, like a terrible addiction. I feel like I'm less important than this fixation he has on not dancing, and I feel like a jerk whenever I bring it up, as he does, but I feel like it somehow shows how he doesn't care about me enough to do something I really love with him. I dance with other guys, but I feel like somehow he should at least be a little jealous if I bump and grind with someone else, and that it's not right. It implies I'm undesirable if my own boyfriend doesn't even want to dance with me. I imagine what it would be like if I were with a guy like him, but more outgoing and spontaneous with me, dancing and being crazy about art. I feel like he doesn't understand that. Should I stay with him? Or is this something silly to get hung up over? Please recount your own stories overcoming similar differences if you can and how to decide if it's worth it.
Am I under-diagnosed?
Well if you were diagnosed that means nothing! If you were told to take medications that does nothin! Therapy is where this will end with the right therapist and some time. That i guarantee you. I suggest a female therapist.
Can you help me find a good world of warcraft laptop?
I'm looking for something cheap like under $400. i know you can't get much with little money, but i;m just looking for something that will run it smoothly don't really care how the settings is setup in the game. i do not want a laptop with the additional keypad. i loathe the additional keypad. i have two laptops in mind: the dell IM5030-1719OBK and hp g4-1016dx. their both on
Why has GParted has renamed my MD Devices?
well set up a new raid and named them md127 and md126 and not your "md0 and md1" i know there is a way to set GParted not to change the name...suggest to check Gparted forums on that..
Im stuck on beowulf the game HELLLPP!!!?
Im at the part were u are in the swap i fought all the trolls and everything im at this big door with a yellow portal type thing in the middle please help
Is there a way to swap windows media player 11 for windows media player xp?
It is impossible to install WMP XP on Windows 7 , you can disable WMP11, but you can't install WMP XP..
Why does Pennsylvania hate, despise and loathe very much its newly elected Teapublican Governor?
His 34% approval rating is bad, but the newly elected Teapublican in Fl. beats him with a 29% approval rating.
Where have all the good sheep gone?
People are passionate about their beliefs. Some, if not most, are fueled by hate, but are desperate to be heard. Also, speaking as an atheist, I firmly believe that while most christians draw first blood, we as a group need to overcome their hatred for us with our patience and find contentment with our personal freedoms that the theists are currently withheld from.
If I get hair infusions will I be able to put them In a ponytail?
Im a sporty kinda girl and I live for ponytails but I also need it to be Cute. I was wondering if I got hair infusion could I put it into a ponytail.
Whats the highest amount a psp will read off a memory card?
I have the custom firmware on it and I'm sick of swapping ISO files so I was wondering what the highest amount it'll read. I remember awhile back reading that the 32gb sticks don't work so well.
I have a 1999 civic si and i was wondering would i be better off fully building a B16a2 or getting a swap?
Hi, It depends on if you want to run naturally aspirated (NA) or forced induction (FI). If you want to run NA then I would go with the B18C5 for the higher compression. If you want to run FI such as a turbo or supercharger then I would suggest the slightly lower compression B18A1, or your B16A2 would also make a decent starting platform. Budget build = B16A2, Money is no object = B18A1 or B18C5. Hope I helped.
Rate a my deck for my first tournament?
yea you should try to base it on zombies and a better archetype...the reptile throw ins wont really do much for it but slow it down. you need to limit the amount of cards you use too and you have too many useless cards...only run essentials...its wat people for get to do now a days. you dont need to run "magical arm sheild incase i get in the situation i can use it" just go without it and dont let your opponent get you in that position. 8/10 times they will be able to stop cards like that anyway.
What would you do if your heard your child say the seven words you can never say on television?
My 5-year-old son isn't allowed to say any bad words. The only one of the seven words my 15-year-old daughter is allowed to say is p�ss but she's allowed to say other bad words like slut, whore, retarded (as long as it means slowed down or delayed which is using the word properly), f�gg�t, and gay as an expletive.
Rate my Yu-Gi-Oh Zombie Deck?
Lol, I remember when I was in grade 4-5 and I was like really into Yu-Gi-Oh. I could only trade cards and stuff with the guys cause all the girls in my class preferred Temagochis or w/e they're called. I still watch the show once in a little while. Gosh...
How long does a cotton swap drug test in the mouth test?
i need some help, i dont care if this is a stupid quesion or if i spelled something wrong i just need help, im trying ti get a new job i have a canibus card, i smoke this new job im trying to get drug test thru cotton swap in the mouth how long do i not have to smoke for me to pass? how many days do i have to be clean to pass this test to get a new job? plz help
I'm 14. My mom has been sent to a neurologist to an another town! Please help!?
Don't worry . Your mother already has a serous disease of epilepsy. It might be that they need to adjust or change the medication she is taking. There is always a chance of a complication like diabetes. I am not sure of her blood sugar value. Normal sugar is between 80 to 100mgm. I am very moved for your concern for your mother. Is there not some adults in your life that can help you sort out all this medical news about your mother? Please email me and let me know how things go.
Thursday, August 11, 2011
Headache every day going on two weeks now?
I get bad headaches like that when my blood pressure is high:/ You might want to check on that. Hope you feel better:)
CHI vs. PAUL MITCHELL flat iron?
I've used Paul Mitchell's a few times and own a chi.They are both great but I personally think the chi is better and is more widely known. Don't worry about it frying your hair just adjust the heat accordingly, The silk infusion will make your hair really soft. I don't see the point in going through the trouble of returning it for a different straightener, plus most places that sell chi products will let you return them within the year for any given reason or at least let you exchange it; the place i bought mine from told me I could return it within the year even if it was just because I got tired of the pattern.
What will the dr do to see whats causing anemia?
I have anemia and long story short i am thinking of going to a new dr about this. How would the dr know whats causing it? I took iron supplements and my levels decreased by 10. My aunt was suggesting an iron infusion just to get everything back to normal to see how I am feeling kind of like a faster experiment rather than take this much for a much and blah blah blah. I also have a heart condition complete heart block and which both have some of the same symptoms so i need to rule everything out before getting a pacemaker
There is a centipede in my room... help?
A few minutes ago I saw a HUGE freaking centipede (or so I think..) crawl up my wall. My room is clean so I have no idea why it is in here...or how it got in here in the first place. I have animals and they go outside so they have fleas, so just a few hours ago my dad sprayed this spray on the floor that kills fleas... anyway, I googled it and it looked like a house centipede, and I loathe bugs so I'm freaking out. It fell off of my wall and I don't know where it is. If it ever turns up again, how can I get rid of it?
Should love make you sad/nervous/sick/nauseated?
wow this is are worth so much more i hope you realize that having a child with this loser is going to make things sorry to say but you are very stupid for letting this man proceed into your life any further. take a look at reality hun.
How does the GOP expect to win these states electoral votes next year?
I think in the end people will agree with the GOP in these States cause we have to stop Democratic waste!
Who was the Mormon Joseph Smith?
They believe that people back in the Bible times came all the way to New York and wrote the last book of the Bible on gold plates and they somehow got buried in a hill. Joseph Smith said he saw and angle that led him to the plates, which contained the book of Mormon. Conveniently though he was the only person allowed to see these plates.
Hair extensions question !?
I have hair an inch below my shoulders , but i want long hair , to the middle of my back preferably , what are the best extensions i should get ?? Clip ins , sew in or infusions ?
Is there a way to stop feelings of extreme guilt?
Its a car. Like metal parts put together. Society brainwashes you into thinking that a certain brand of that piece of metal is worth more than another brand of pieces of metal. Get over it. oh boohooo i cry over metal. ugh.
FNM B/U Deck before M12, help?
I saw get an equipment in there that you'd attach to Grave Titan that gives him first strike. Because if you're opponent decides to block him with multiple creatures you can kill 6 of them without being hurt. Also change the cryptoplasm out for Phyrexian Metamorph.
I was invited somewhere with my friends and I was ignored the entire time, what do I do?
They don't seem to be true friends at all. You don't deserve to have people like that in your life! The point of friends is that they make you feel good and never let you feel down! It's time to get new friends and drop those losers! :)
Why do Humans refuse to admit that they are just a failed product of evolution?
It's just so frustrating as hell how Humans persistently refuse to loathe themselves and admit that they are just inferior products of evolution since they have such unimpressively frail bodies that are too physically inadequate for them to survive in a healthy natural environment without resorting to using their unnaturally bloated brains to invent all sorts of destructive technology, plus they have only been around for such a short amount of time while other animals such as the Dinosaurs have been around far longer and also evolved much more physically imposing bodies.
Being gay/bi....with Aspergers?
I have high functioning aspergers. I am 18 years old. I am starting to realize im not all that straight. Im tired of being a self loathing homophobe. I just can't hold back anymore. But if I were date a guy, the social problems of aspergers would kick in. Anyone help me out here
Picking out a keyboard dilemma?
Logitech is one of the most popular brands of computer products. You would appear to be one of these rather immature people who rubbish a company's entire product range on the basis of one unsatisfactory experience.
Running into friendship problems concerning her pregnancy. Help?
One of my dearest friends is pregnant. It was an accident, however and her family has not taken well to the news as they despise the father. As I loathe babies, I had a difficult time adjusting to the news, but managed to cover up for it pretty well in front of her. My man does not share my feelings towards babies and offered us up to babysit and things like that. As she nears her due date(this Fall), I realize I need to solve these issues before she actually has the thing. I don't know how to approach this to either my guy or my friend. Any advice?
My pc screen has gone a grey dull look, it also has wavy horizontal lines when thinking hard ?
your pc graphics are dead. your system should get changed by now. it's too old. you can fix it by putting a new graphics card in but, i recommend getting a new pc. it will work much faster than what you have already.
Should I go to the party or stay with friend? Easy 10 points?
Stay with your friend. Your girlfriends will understand, if they're really your friends. Tell them how you feel. Dont get too stressed out over this, not good for your health. If i were you i'd just not go. By the way, who knows what might happen at that party, just saying.
Why am I so sad all the time. Why do I hate myself. I have dealt with enough deppression, partaken in more than my fair share of self loathing. Why do I find joy in nothing and why do I not care about my accomplishments or approve of my actions. I know I'm an awful person, but why?
What is a Ketamine infusion like? Side effects? Benefits?
I'm going into the hospital for a five day Ketamine infusion for pain and headaches. At first I was excited because it is a new treatment that doesn't cause any painful long term side effects. Now I'm scared because I hear you get hallucinations, Out of body experiences, panic attacks and become disassociated from reality and self. Is this true? What has been your experience? Did you benefit from this treatment?
I'm 14.My mom has been sent to a neurologist to an another town! Please help!?
She probably has hypoglycemia, which is low blood sugar. This happens when her system produces too much natural insulin. Eventual, she will Develop diabetes, which is too much sugar in the blood. Worry not because she is in no danger of dieing.
How can I get GLOSSY hair?
I use Pantenee shampoo and conditoner and use a leave-in conditioner twice a week. Then I use Chi silk infusion and sometimes a anti frizz serum. I let it dry over night and usually i have to put it in a bun or straighten it in the morning. Is there a tecnique that I can do to get shiny glossy soft hair?
Honda civic engine swap d16y7 to a d16z6?
Alright i got into a accident few days ago in my Honda civic ex that has a d16z6 VTEC engine got totaled like body wise that requires money to fix the chassis our of place the frame etc. Luckily the engine is still working and i put a new transmission in there 2 months ago with 1yr warranty. I bought a honda civic 1996 DX with a d16y7 engine. Now the car is okay but the d16y7 is like really slow and the transmission is bad . i want to swap my d16z6 into the 1996 dx but i don't have a clue as to what i can keep etc pumps/radiators . Do i just grab the engine block and the transmission and drop it into the Honda civic dx 1996 and just buy the wire harness everyone keeps telling me that i will need? some 411 on this would really help i'm a complete freshie when it comes to cars, although my dad would be doing the work he's never done it on a Honda he's always done engine swaps on his American muscle cars so i just want some insight and advice or a how to . Thank you in advance.
Why won't my hair grow? HELP!?
A friend had this problem before and she used hair growth oil from Liquid Gold. She started seeing some new growth within a few weeks. Hope this helps
Ok im trying to put a 5speed swap in my 240sx?
is it easier/just to do it myself or should i take it to a shop? i stay in riverside ca and im still learning about my 240 its my first drift car lol i found someone with all the parts i need for a ka24e auto to manual swap for $200 so im almost at my budget and should i pay shop or someone around i stay and pay him?
Ladies: Why do women act this way?
Yes, were insecure. When we see a male with more attractive females we start to compare ourselves to them and feel that the male (in this case, its you) is comparing too.
What herbal teas are safe to drink during pregnancy?
I'm talking about actual herbal infusion teas, we have some tazo ones in "refresh" which is mint leaves and tarragon, a hibiscus one called passion which is real flowers, and calm a chamomile and dandelion flower one, are any of these safe at just one cup?
What is Hot Swapping?
Setting up a new computer it seems to be asking if I wish to have Hot Swapping enabled. What exactly is it? And do I really need it?
i take showers at night. today i noticed the ends of my hair were wet looking. ppl were telling me in school my hair was wet. lol.... its only my ends. not roots. could it be product im putting in my hair after i get out of the shower? HELPP i use: CHI infusions and started Anti breakage serum. from organ ix or something like that
Is my writing good enough for college?
It's a summary, and it's a fine summary at that. It's not too wordy, although you could have cut out a fair bit of this and made it more succinct. All the extra words make it seem like you're just trying to hit a word count, and not trying to make a real point. You're also going to need a more analytical approach when you write essays in college. As I said, this is a fine summary, but summarizing isn't going to make your professors happy. They've read the book too, and they're not looking for you to relay the contents in a new way. They want you to use the knowledge and information in the book to form an argument.
Was JFK assassinated by the illuminati, who control the federal reserve, because he issued executive order...?
No telling. Lots of people and organizations wanted him dead. The Warren Commission investigated the matter. President Ford was the last surviving member of that Commission. He maintained through out his professional life that Oswald had acted alone. Perhaps so. I don't think we will ever know for sure.
How do you know if you're pretty/ugly?
Beauty goes BEYOND looks! I know exactly how you feel because I HATE the way my body looks and I am constantly comparing myself to other! I believe that you, and I both, need to start seeing that we are beautiful and that everyone is made differently but that does NOT mean we are any less beautiful. We are just beautiful in our own ways. If it helps, people who talk about you and your looks are shallow and deep down they are jealous of you! If people want to talk about you, let them because that means they are thinking about you! :)
Can i swap my passport with dubai police?
go to the police and enquire about this mess you are in and how to get out of this and if its some grave problem contact the indian embassy there.
Best SSD for small laptop?
Who makes the best SSD's? I would want one around 120gb, to swap it with a regular HDD for faster speeds and low power consumption.
Help me switch passive sentences to active sentences por favor?
There's nothing wrong with adverbs if they are used aptly. Think of them as seasoning - would you throw handsful of pepper, garlic etc.etc. into everything? Or would you use just a touch, to liven things up? Adverbs are the same way. You should be able to describe things in a positive manner, using descriptive phrases, and only occasionally slipping in the odd adverb. When you use them this way, they can make your writing sing.
Wednesday, August 10, 2011
Is it possible to turn off two finger scrolling on HP Pavilion g7's touchpad?
if there is something wrong with your driver, you can use"HP Drivers Update Utility" for your PC, Google for it to try.
How do i delete my account?
Xbox live major lag problem! please help!!!!?
i have a problem, when-ever i want to go play mw2 i join a game and i keep getting 4 bar connection at the start then it goes down to one and keeps swapping between 1 and 2 bars, but the thing is, my speed is at 19.20 mbps and it was fine yesterday, and when matchmaking it says the game i am joining gives me <50msping which is the lowest on the 360!
Can you curl your hair with a curling iron before bed and have it look good the next day?
Hi!!! Ok so I wan my hair to be curly tomorrow, but I don't want to get up super early to curl it. Could I curl it before I go to bed, and still look good the next day? I have naturally curly hair, but I straiten it perfectly before I go to bed, and when I wake up I go over it. I have hair spray and Chi silk infusion hair stuff to use, but will it stay in over night?
New skateboard or replace wheels/bearings?
My old skateboard's wheels aren't spinning as fast as I want them to, so I have two options. I can either buy new bearings and wheels and replace them with the old ones, or I could get a new board, new bearings, and new wheels, and then swap those bearings and wheels with the ones I bought. What option is better?
How do I make my hair stay straight?
Try getting a better Straightener, or get de-frizzing shapoo, get cream to put in your hair after straightening.
It's been a while, but inspired by Buk. Will you comment on or critique, thanks?
No Miss Nice Lady! haha! A real change of style and you handled it well. Like Pandora I liked the socks thingy but then you show your gentle side again with 'it would pain me more than you' - come on Cassie, you can be really really hard if you try lol No of course you can't, which is why you have such a following on this site. Don't give up on your structured work but I'd like to see more of this 'hard' stuff.
If I took a dose of two tablets of antimonium crudum, can I take an infusion of "Non Stress"?
"Non Stress" has: melissa, chamomile, linden flowers, peppermint, sage, verbena, lavender and natural plum aroma.
Why did my housemate do this like a spoilt brat?
So our tenancy began about a year ago, there was 5 of us to move into a 5 bedroom house. Two of my housemates moved in first, but before anybody moved in we decided on who would have which room, there were 2 large rooms, 1 medium and 2 small. Me and a guy mark were gentleman and said the 2 girls could have the large rooms which they asked for, while we had the 2 small rooms at the back, the medium room went to our other housemate. One of the girls moved in first, she had the largest room in the house, but recently admitted that when she first moved in she went into my small room and found that the mattress was more comfortable so she swapped it with her uncomfortable one and never notified me, all year I hated the mattress, and just found out that not only was I gentleman enough to give her the biggest room in the house, she also decided to be selfish enough to go into my room and take my mattress and replace it with one she thought was uncomfortable, which it was. It's just the principle, so selfish and spoiled of her.
I just received an answer from a self loathing christain who actually thinks his self loathing will be ...?
im so glad im not deluded. Like your previous question was so well thought out im glad atheist have no illusions of being better than anyone. You nailed that one
Intravenous Antibiotics?
Oral antibiotics need to get into your bloodstream to have any effect on the area in question, and because a lot of the dose is lost through the digestive process, sometimes it's just not effective enough. IV antibiotics bypass that problem, by going straight to the bloodstream, and to the area, and are much much more effective. Also you can be given more than one antibiotic without suffering any of the tummy upset problems that can be experienced with oral medications. You'll be feeling much better very soon, and will be in good hands. Best of luck :)
1970 nova transmission swap?
I bought a 1970 nova but it has a turbo hydra matic 350 3-speed automatic transmission. A three speed just isn't going to do it. Does anyone know of a 4 speed that will bolt right in?
I need help on a case study for my pharmacology class?
for everyone who answered this question. I had this same case study for my pharmacology class due today and I had spent several hours trying to organize my notes into something reasonable. You are all amazing and very helpful! Thanks again for helping me organize MY case study and not forget key points!
Biologist, zoologist, or medical lab tech.?
My advice is pursue what you love, or you will be regretting it all your live; if you really like animals, go to study and work with them and fight for jobs that allow you to do what you like or open your own bussiness. If you work hard you will achieve what ever you want.
Will i fall out of the big one at blackpool pleasure beach im only 7 stone 8?
Me and alot of my frinds (34) are going to blackpool and im petrified of the big one i have been on infusion and thats fine but i nearly fall out of the grand national :/ im only 7 stone 8 and barley 5 foot to be honest i just need a little re assurance i am really scared
How to keep hair straight?
i have curly hair and i straighten it. when i do it is pin straight. after about 10 min it flips at the bottom. oh and before i straighten my hair i put in chi silk infusion. any suggestions or tips? thanks :)
Rate my magic elf deck? (10 points for best answer)?
You have no concept of what regeneration is and therefore your deck won't work. Regenerate is an ability that keeps your creature from dying in the game for as many times as you play the mana cost. It has nothing to do with bringing a creature back from the graveyard. I will list the URL for the page of keywords.
How often/common does united swap an A319 for a B-757 on ORD-SFO?
Usually airlines only swap airplanes if they have a large number of bookings. In your case United is swapping there A319 for a B-757 because there is a large amount of passengers. Airlines rarely do that and will also only do swap planes if they are having some type of problem with the plane there suppose t to take. So airlines pretty much rarely swap planes. I don't believe your seat selection will change because all planes are the same its just that some have more seats then others so your fine.
Prospects for Recovery: Fluid Around the Heart from Infection?
a few factors come into play the persons over all health status do they have any other co morbidity? ( diabetes heart disease kidney disease etc ) and what is the infecting agent staph strep etc
Does he like me? Do I love him? *PLEASE READ MORE!*?
Yesterday, I had a day out with my friends and my brother's friends. My brother brought along his mate, (lets say Bobby) and it's been awhile since we've talked. I met him in 4th class when he was in sixth. When he left for secondary school, I began to miss him a lot but I thought this was because we were friends. Over the next two years, I would occasionally see him on the street and we would wave at each other but never had the time to talk. Quite recently, my friend (let's say Kat) told me he probably fancied me. Then, I began to develop a crush on him. So, when we (back to the day trip) went to his house to pick him up, when I saw him my heart went all fluttery and I felt something in my chest. When he sat in the car, I was breathless. He looked at me at the corner of his eyes. I looked at him at the corner of my eyes. Later on, about an hour into the trip, we arrived at our destination; a bowling alley. We all went inside and decided it was boys against girls. My brother went first and got 9 pins down, (10 pin bowling) my crush Bobby had his go and got the same. (and so did this other dude that came along too) The girls had their go, Kat went first, then me (i missed them all, i hadn't gone bowling in ages) and my other friend; Ann. When the boys were up again, everyone got the same thing except Bobby, he had missed his. After that, he kept on going over to the girls and sitting beside me. Every time my heart went all fluttery! After the bowling, we walked to a cafe and got something to eat. Bobby hugged me when we got there and covered it up by hugging everyone else. He kept hugging me for the rest of the day...... When my friend and I linked arms he rushed to my side and linked with me. After our meal, we went shopping. He bought a packet of sweets and gave some to everyone. He kept on offering me some. After awhile we split up, you know, so the girls could do their “clothes” shopping. We all met after the shopping trip and walked back. Bobby kept sneaking up behind me, touching my back and making me smile, all the things he did when I was younger. We got into the car to go for a walk on a hill, he swapped seats with (Neil, the other dude aka his best friend) and began to talk to me. Every now and then when I turned around and talked to Kat and he would join my bro’s conversation, I would catch him looking at me. When we arrived at the hill, we played hide and go seek. (what?!) I was the only one left and they had to tell me the game was over. My bro shouted “Last one back is a rotten egg!” I was so far away I would never catch up, but Bobby stopped and pretended to be tired. After ALL of that, we attempted to climb the hill. He pretended to get scared and hugged me. We climbed down again and went home. *THE END* Now, I wrote ALL of that because I wanted to know was he treating me as a friend or more? I can’t stop thinking about him now, I barely slept last night... I want everyone’s opinion and please write something positive! Thank you for reading!
Would you trade every bit of your happy memories for a 100 million?
I know if i say 1 million it wont be worth the swap but 100 million? you could do more happier things with the money cant you?
Are the batteries from two Dell laptops interchangeable?
Hi. I have a Dell Studio 17" and a Dell Inspiron 15". I am planning to take a trip soon and I only plan to bring one laptop, but I want maximum battery run time, and I was wondering if I could take the battery from the Studio 17" out of the laptop and take the battery with me and just swap it into the Inspiron when it's battery gets low. I know I would have to hibernate the computer or have it plugged in when I switch the batteries. But what I want to know is, will it work? Without harming the laptop or either battery? Thank you.
What is infusion set? and what is its components?
An infusion set is wgat is used to deliver intravenous fluids and medications. It is usually already put together in the package. There is the pointed piece that pierces the bag containing the fluid. There is a long tube that carries the fluid to the patient. There is a flow regulator. There is the piece that connects to the patients port.
Do you like yourself?
I had a discussion with an associate the other day about "people who always put others down"...This same discussion came up in my psych class. It is said that one who always puts another down is actually dealing with self-loathing(NARCISSIST COMPLEX)...WHAT DO YOU THINK? DO YOU LIKE YOURSELF OR, ARE YOU ALWAYS PUTTING OTHERS DOWN?
Is chi-silk infusion supposed to look like cream?
No. It is supposed to look like an oil almost, has a little bit of a yellow color to it. The last I purchased, a few weeks ago still looked like that. It is not a heat protectant either. Good detangler on wet hair and smoothing frizzies on dry hair. If it was purchased at rite aid you are not guaranteed it is what the bottle says. Chi is a line to be sold in professional salons, not drug stores. Chi does make an iron protectant though, if you purchase it from a salon at least you can talk to a stylist to be sure you are getting the right type of product for your hair.
"detest," "hate," or "loathe"?
I always wonder which word is the strongest expression, "detest," "hate," or "loathe?"
When did the 2 political parties swap ideals?
There have been multiple half swaps over some time. An example of this is that the Republicans and Democrats have switched many times just over the issue of war. In the late 1880's the Reps were basically imperialist and the Dems were very anti war. After Wilson, they basically switched and the Dems were more pro-war and the Reps anti. Though now both parties are pretty much pro-war unless it will benefit them to be anti-war.
Tuesday, August 9, 2011
Being gay is making me feel guilty and nervous --- what to do?
I am 21 yr old and I live in India , a place where homosexuality and homosexuals are shunned pretty much ! Infact , derogatory inhumane words are used for gays . There is so much of loathing that it makes the poor guy feel guilty , as if he is wrong and abnormal ! and is asked to change himself and his behavior lest he rejected by society
What 1/4 mile time do you think my 89 civic si hatch will run with a mini me swap?
I have a y8 head(w/ vtec), y8 intake manifold, 68mm throttle body, cold air intake, header, aftermarket exhaust, stage one clutch and short shifter. Car is gutted too.
Anyone else dislike pregnancy but love babies?
I am on my 3rd little boy and I HATE being pregnant, the first 20 or so weeks are fine, but after that I start to LOATHE it, feeling like a beached whale even though I don't gain much it's all in my belly all out front so nothing fits my hips and under belly cause I am still skinny down there but no shirts are long enough to cover it!!! UGH! I feel so guilty for being frustrated with pregnancy, and want so bad to fast forward this pregnancy and have my baby in my arms safe and healthy! Any one else? (I am in week 23 now)
What did Joachim Piper mean when he said "Stride with a proud disdain by the Lake of human inadmissibility."?
I found it as a quote with no context. I'm thinking it means wear your status as outcast with pride and loathe those ostracize you, but that seems like an awkward phrase, at least in its English translation.
I really would like to know why Paris Hilton dresses like an Indian in My BFF, when it's set in DUBAI?
I don't know a lot about the culture and my father WAS Indian. So how's that bimbo gonna know anything?
Does CHI Iron Guard 44 smell strong?
lol i get ya. I never liked the silk infusion smell. The chi iron guard smells the same but it doesn't linger as long as you put another scent on top of it like hair spray or a serum!
Is the books like 'A Tale of Two Pretties' and 'These Boots Are Made for Stalking' along with The Clique Serie?
I know that there's The Clique, Best Friends for Never, Revenge of The Wannabes, Invasion of the Boy Snatchers, The Pretty Committee Strikes Back, Dial L for Loser, It's Not Easy Being Mean, Sealed With a Diss, Bratfest at Tiffany's, P.S. I Loathe You, and Boys 'R' Us. But for some reason there are more novels??? Any explanations?
Which Chi product is better for heat?
I've seen lately that people either use Chi 44 iron guard thermal protection spray. Or Chi silk infusion. I'm wanting to know which one protects against heat (flat iron, curling iron, blow dryer) the best. Please and thank you! :)
I'm 13. Am I gay if i'm reading body swap stories?
I've been reading body swap stories lately. I get kind of sexually aroused when I'm reading male-to-male body swap stories. Am I gay? Is it too late to change? I know that i'm not gay because i'm also attracted to women but somewhat i'm sexually aroused in reading these kind of stories. Please help me!
Why do Humans refuse to admit that they are just a failed product of evolution?
It's just so frustrating as hell how Humans persistently refuse to loathe themselves and admit that they are just inferior products of evolution since they have such unimpressively frail bodies that are too physically inadequate for them to survive in a healthy natural environment without resorting to using their unnaturally bloated brains to survive by inventing all sorts of fancy technology that destroys Nature, plus they have only been around for such a short amount of time while other animals such as the Dinosaurs have been around far longer and also evolved much more physically imposing bodies.
I just did three days of Solu-Medrol infusions?
there is no interaction, what was the steroid infusion for? you may have a mallory-weiss tear in you oesophagus. see a doc
Manual to automatic trans swap?
Ok I have a 79 Chevy C-10 4speed Manual with a 350 I want to change it over to an automatic I love the Manual but the clutch and every think is just becomming to much of a pain.My wife also likes to drive the truck some times and shes only 5'1" so the clutch is really hard in this big old truck. So if any 1 knows what parts do I need and How much money am i looking at.I know it should be cheaper than an automatic to manual swap
I have Science coursework on ..?
... On intensive/organic farming, and I am finding it very hard, but I need to get top grades, so I can swap it for my D in Chemistry. Any tips? On how to fully explain a graph, step by step. Also, what should I mention to get the higher grades, thanks so much. Stressing!
Saturn Ion 3 redline ..How do i swap the transmission?
I have got a bad transmission and i want to fix it or swap..Does anybody know what the best way to do it? Should I take whole engine of or its possible to swap without taking engine off ...thanks guys ..i hope i will get many answers from u
Is it absolutely nescessary to set timing if the main crank has not been moved?
I have a 1987 Nissan pickup with a 2.4 liter z24i engine. I am putting on a new cylinder head because the old one was warped. Prior to dissasembly I marked the timing chain and the cam sprocket so that I could preserve my correct timing, and immobalized the chain by jamming a wooden wedge so that the chain was locked against the tensioners. ( I had hoped I was only going to be swapping out a head gasket) So the main crank and the timing chain have been immobile this whole time. Obviously the valve positioning has been altered since I have a new head. BUT it occurs to me that since the camshaft has a knockpin that fits into the only whole on the cam sprocket, will not the valvetrain return to it's original position once I align the marks I made on the cam sprocket and the timing chain? If so this would save me a LOT of labor since I would not need to remove the timing belt cover to re-establish the correct timing. Am I correct?
Calculate the time it would take to receive these iv fluids?
A patient is to receive 500mls of 20% iv Intraipid via a central line at a rate of 41mls per hour. The drop rate is 20. How long will it take for the infusion to complete.
My boyfriend's parents loathe me, what should I do?
Do not take it to heart I have heard people from England can't stand Americans. Just be polite and sweet, be the bigger person, your boyfriend should have your back and defend you whenever they attack you in any way.
Anyone else think WW2 was for nothing?
I know, I feel for you guys. If it helps we here in NZ generally place much more focus on the British (and our own of course) involvement.
Rapair muscle around belly button?
I have health problems that requires me to have sub-q infusions each week. I had been doing them in my stomach (on either side of my belly button) for around 3 years. I recently started doing it in my leg because it seems like the needles or the swollen bumps that I get after have caused my stomach to lose muscle tone. So, does anyone know what I can do to help repair the muscle right around my belly button? Maybe some exercises that really focus right there? I do sit ups, crunches, and planks all the time in my workout but they don't seem to help much there.
What is the fastest legal way a good looking very educated girl can make $10 000?
import/export you can actually do this with very few overheads just factory contacts and photos of the items. you do not have to purchase unless you have a sale.
My parents don't love me anymore, what did I do wrong?
If wat u say is true and not colored, ... it sounds like the ones that need help is them. Just do ur best and the first chance u get, get the heck out of dodge.
Are the "United States Mint Artistic Infusion Program" people freemason?
I know that there are freemason symbols on the dollar blls. I can point them out easily. They are the ones who design money in the United States. And why did they show the 9/11 attack on the back of the 1,10,20,5 dollar bills? If you fold a bill a certain way than you can see the 9/11 attack. The pentagon building was suppose to be destroyed as well, its on the 5 dollar bill if you fold it right. You can google search how to fold it. So wouldn't that mean the united states government or freemasons (same thing?) planned it and bin ladin is just a excuse for the united states?
Monday, August 8, 2011
My friends ditch me and if i leave they get mad?
So, my teacher decided to go back to 7th grade and let us swap desks and choose where we wanted to sit, both my best friends ditched me and sat next to each other. Now im next to a girl i really dont like. But if i go and choose someone else for something, they get angry at me! so its only okay for them?!? I wanna hang around with different people but then my friends will get mad? it makes me sad and i dont know what to do. please help?
I am building a Custom Computer and need some help!?
Do what the first guy said and get an 1155 board for your sand bridge cpu. Also I would go with DDR3 2000mhz. It will help out. It cost more but it will make your system a little faster. Also dump the sound card ALL motherboards these days have awesome built in sound chips so you wont need a sound card.
How complicated is it to swap out an engine on a car?
i have never done a project that complicated but im not afraid of doing it if you know some advice or a website that could help me i would appreciat it thank you
What are ron paul's chances this time around?
Better than ever, but the party establishment has already made it clear who they want to win (Romney or Bark, er Bachmann). Even though Ron Paul consistently wins the CPAC straw polls and has been polled as the *strongest* candidate when paired up against Obama.
What does there is no infusion or infiltrate mean?
As it relate to IV therapy no infusion means that there is no fluids infusion into ones vein. Infiltrate is fluids that has collected under the tissue of the skin. Hence there's no infusion if there's infiltration.
I did something rather bad, should I confess?
I told my mom about a masturbation problem I've had, and made a promise to her to lay off pornography. I have pretty high moral standards, and the fact that I was pleasuring myself to such objectionable materials made me feel extremely guilty and stressed, so much that I begin feeling intense stress-induced headaches. I couldn't stand it, so I prayed for forgiveness and immediately told my mom about it. We set up a plan of sorts to help get me off it, and I stopped looking at porn for about a week-and-a-half. Now last Friday, I began feeling tempted to look at porn. I mainly used my iPod Touch to get material, and thankfully my mom took advantage of the restrictions settings and blocked off Safari. Unfortunately, the Wikipedia app I used had an update which allowed you to browse other MediaWiki sites. One of those sites was Uncyclopedia, which had an article on boobs that had more than a few arousing images on it. I gawked for maybe a minute, then my dad popped into my room. I jumped at his sudden appearance, then promptly went to another page. He asked what I was looking at, to which I lied and said I was reading a page on some web program. He then began questioning more, saying things like "What were you really looking at?", "Are you behaving?". I, of course, lied to him each time. I loathe the idea of lying to my parents, so this struck me pretty hard with guilt. About thirty minutes later, my mom came into the room and asked me if I was looking at porn. I lied again, and this is what really made me guilty. I feel so awful to have betrayed my parent's trust and to have lied to both of them, and have begun feeling stressed and guilty. I tried to simply repress the guilt by saying that I know what I did was bad, I'll try not to do it ever again, etc. It helped the guilt, but it certainly didn't help the stress. I've begun having minor tension-headaches (aside from my usual sinus headaches). Today, however, I started masturbating but stopped before I came. This added to the stress and guilt, and makes me feel even more self-loathing. I am considering confessing this Monday, but with it would come severe consequences that I simply wouldn't be able to bear: I'd more than likely having anything Internet-related taken away, I'd lose all trust with my mom, and I'd probably get a curfew. As much as I don't like the idea of those punishments, I will take them willingly than live on with the knowledge that I lied to my parents. I merely need reaffirmation. Should I go through with my plan and confess to my mom on Monday, or should I continue on and forget it? In my current mindset, there's really nothing to to stop me from confessing. Also, I'm 13.
Can a V-8 diesel engine be swapped into a 2004 ford ranger?
All right i am working on an off road build with my 2004 4.0 L V6 Ford Ranger. I have already installed the Super lift complete lift kit with after market drive shafts, skid plates, role cage, micky thompson baja tires/ bead locked rims, warn winch and off road bumpers, under carriage skid plates, l.e.d lights. I want to know if it is possible to replace the stock engine with a V-8 diesel engine.
Ladies: Women... who would you feel about this?
I think in some part its our insecurities but I also think it shows how much respect u have for a girl. As girls yes its part a girls fault if they dont value themselves but its also a mans fault for not respectng her. So yes as a guy its just a one day of fun but for a girl its someone that can see that u can easily fall for any girl and u can never be faithful. Conclusion u are a womanizer, player ,jerk ect.
Should I swap to Google Chrome?
Try out Google Chrome. I switched to it recently and it is very quick and lightweight however I noticed that it does increase windows startup time by around 20seconds. In my opinion this is a small price to pay.
Rate my Formula Monarch Deck?
Idk dude i'm not fimiliar with your type of deck but i looked at some of your cards and i think you should get a (burial from a different dimension), (royal decree), (localized tornado), but honestly it just looks like you put your hand in a pile of cards and made a next out of them, and your seriusly disadvantaging yourself withought using trap card, i mean jinzo wont always be on the field. as for your side deck those general synchros and staples can work with any slop deck but honestly it deosn't look good. 6/10 if you want to dule somtime on like skype or somthing let me know. I show you a good deck
Do you think we will last?
My boyfriend and I have been dating for a year and a half, and its great. We are almost 18 and we just get along so well. We talk about getting married and swore we will never leave eachother. He tells me how much he loves me everyday. We even swapped virginities when we had been together three months. We used to argue, but we fixed things. Do you think we will last?
1992 honda civic seat covers ?
I'm looking for seat covers for a 1992 Honda civic LX 4 door sedan. The only problem is my front seats have the non adjustable headrest. I hate them. I either want seat covers that will work those headrests or does anyone know any other years of civic seats that will be a straight out swap?
How does working at McDonald's... well, work?
You could be on anything but if you let your boss know, "hey I may not be the guy to meet and greet customers" then he'll take that into consideration when he makes out the schedule. Which could also mean you may not get as many hours.
What's the best shampoo for rough dry frizzy curly hair?
I have long curly hair that is also dry and frizzy!..I've tried soooo many shampoos and none seem to work! Ive tried tresemme which worked for a while then it started making my hair rough. Then I tried dove shampoo for dry damaged hair and same thing then i moved on to infusion which didnt do much and i recently bought the cabellina shampoo that's suppose to work great and nothing!! (also tried herbal ess and pantene) I've done hair mayonnaise and hot oils which helped a little. I love my hair and im in need of a really good shampoo that doesnt make it feel like horse hair!! Someone pleasseee help me!! ..I heard nexxus is good just havent tried it
Vaseline Sheer Infusion Body Lotion — Discontinued?!!!?
I just read online that this product is going to be discontinued and for the life of me I can't figure out why. This is simply the best lotion I've ever used! It's got a wonderful smell that just reminds me of summer time and vacations! And, unlike most lotions, it's not greasy or oily. I have severely dry skin that often cracks and bleeds, especially on my legs. This was the only product I could use that didn't irritate my skin and actually healed it. Now that I can't find it anywhere, I'm desperate to try new products to replace it. So far, nothing works quite as well. I'm even considering buying this off of eBay! If you do find this product, buy it and hold onto it. It's a great lotion and I still haven't found any better. This is honestly one of the best products Vaseline has ever made. I found their other lotions to be oily and watery. This is light and sheer, but very effective. I hope I can find another product this nice in the future. Please someone help me find something that works just a great!
Late Period & Inducing Periods?
Get a spoon and start digging around. If the spoon comes out red, you're pregnant. If the spoon comes out blue, go see a doctor.
What type of ecu for my teggy?? ?
I have a 3rd generation integra and im doing an auto to manual swap leading to a ls vtec convertion. what type of gsr ecu,do I get?? p30?? p28 p72?? ?? all I need is the ecu to strt the swap... please help im tired of taking nyc mta... lol especially the four train when theres a yankee game ugh
I think I unintentionally exploded a situation and have become the 'bad guy'. Help?
You didn't really give any detail, at all. So it's impossible to give much advice. However, all you did was give advice to her. You were not the one who made the situation blow up, even if you may have said a few things that didn't work so well. Everyone can give us advice, it's up to us whether we take it or not. She can't blame you. Considering the guy seems like a bit of a dbag, maybe it's best that way.
CHI heat protectant products suggestions please?
try dove damage repair shampoo and dont straighten your hair every day. get the split ends cut off or it wont grow.
What is Better Basketball Spalding Never Flat or Spalding Infusion?
Stay away from the Infusion. They are a huge pain and they lose air quickly in my experience. Although it has the built in pump it is annoying and not worth purchasing
True or False: Before LeBron joined the Miami Heat, the Lakers were the most hated, loathed, despised team?
in all of the NBA, but when "The Decision" came, the Miami Heat Big 3 threw that Big Celebration Concert-Like, LeBron saying "not 1, not 2, not 3, not 4, not 5, not 6, not 7", the Miami Heat replaced the Lakers as the most villfied, hated, loathed, despised team in Basketball. Because I always thought the Lakers were the most hated because c'mon, i'm sure many people get sick and tired of them winning too much, a lot of people see and view the Lakers as the Yankee's of the NBA.
PS3 Help Please it is horrible?
So I have this 40 gb PS3. And of course it has ran out of space. So I decide to go ahead and buy a new Hard drive so I hope on line and get me a WD5000BEVT. A pretty little 500 gb. I make sure that I have the latest update and back everything up to my external. Do the swap. After putting it all back together I plug in the external and it will not work. So I put the latest update 3.66 on to a thumb drive and tray again. Still dose not work. So then I read that a PS3 hard drive must be FAT32. So I pop out that new little sucker and re-format it to be FAT32. It still will not work. I am not sure what I need to do now. Please help me.
Chi silk infusion and straight guard on black hair?
try Wild Growth Hair Oil. it is very good and all natural and really helps your hair grow. research it and even though it smells a litlle weird it works and makes your hair shiny thicker and grow faster. you can purchase it at sally beauty supply.
Was the title Fear and loathing in las vegas a subtle homage to George Orwell's Down and out in paris and...?
You know that he was familiar with the work and admired it. So the phrase and its rhythm would have been bouncing around in his head, which suggests at least a subconscious echoing. More than that, can't say without research and I see you've already made a start. Sounds like a needle/haystack kind of thing and I'd rather be reading Orwell. :-)
If sex would cause AIDS or STD, then why would people still want to have sex and have kids?
and if wearing a condom is a safe way of having sex, then how is having a kid possible without the infusion of sperm. i'm sort of confused with those two concepts !! thanks !!
Horrible lesbian/bi help...please....?
5 defiantly!! She sounds like a complete b*tch and doesnt deserve a second chance from someone as great as you sound! Forget about her and I guarantee soon you will fall for someone who deserves your attention
Whats the easiest way to slow things down?
Okay, so I met this boy sunday, he was nice I got on with him with ease, we swapped fb names and numbers. He said he liked me and I told him too, he had a gf at the time, but said it wasn't working out, yesterday I find out he dumped his gf, (I was shocked!), and he keeps telling me he's falling for me and loves me. I don't know what to do, I didn't want him to dump his gf, because it seems like it was for me. I like him, but I don't know where this is going to go, and I don't want to push him away, as I like him and for once someone likes me back. What should I do, I've said I don't want to rush into things, but it seems like it's gone over his head. HELP PLEASE?
Horrible split ends help?
I have thick long golden blonde hair and i got my hair cut at th beginning of march. I have bad spit ends and want to get it cut but my mom is always working and never has time to do anything. I straighten my hair once a week and ALWAYS use heat protectant (chi silk infusion serum). is there any product or shampoo+conditioners i could use to make my hair really healthy?
Sunday, August 7, 2011
Question about engine swap?
You are looking at much more than a simple engine swap , there will be tons of special fabrication plus more parts ( transmission/rearend etc) better have at least $30,000. ready to shell out. If you have seen a car like this , with this modification , ask the owner ,where it was done and how much it cost.
Ladies: Why do women act this way? Are you insecure? Jealous?
because many girls feel they cant compare to 'hot, beautiful women in bikinis'. most girls are insecure, seeing a boy they like surrounded by fit girls makes them feel worthless and that ur only after them for one thing and one thing only, its hard for us to realise that you could ever actually fall for us when you act like that
Wireless problem with Windows Vista 32bit?
Why Don't You email your problems to so I can take a look at what's the problem ASAP.
Why are Conservatives not troubled by Ayn Rand's philosophy of Objectivism?
They pick and choose what they like and ignore the rest. Their followers are morally opposed for reading anything for themselves and coming to their own conclusions, so it works out perfectly for them.
What per diem code do I use to get reimbursement from Medicare on home infusion therapy?
I am billing for home infusion antibiotic therapy to Medicare. They do not accept HCPC code S9501, what can I use to get reimbursed for administration of drug, supplies and per diem infusion?
Are Virgo Moon girls usually really rude?
Since virgo is so mental and critical they sometimes crack these horrible jokes just because the thought popped in their heads. I know 6 of them. 2 of them are family members. They are whiny and cruel when they are hungry or their body is deprived in some way since Virgo is an earth sign, when the body is hurt it makes them feel very threatened, like their existence is threatened, so their critical tongues get activated and its not very pretty. They all have good hygiene. I am VERY blunt and really rude when I'm suffering and I have Virgo moon. I don't credit it all to my Virgo moon tho. I have a really strong mars and mercury in aquarius, and aquarius and mars love to stir things up and say whatever they want. So I don't think its all a Virgo moon thing. Normally Virgo is very dutiful, modest, and polished, the boring puritanical nun or housewife type. I think the problem with those girls is they are probably very critical of themselves and can't accept or respect themselves, Sorry you've encountered such sorry Virgo moons, we're not all like that :)
What do you think of these names for twins? +BQ?
My sisters name is Isabella, I personally love the name and think its beautiful. It also has a lot of good nicknames...the name Emma's nice too its really common though..don't know if that matters to you.
Computer I just built will turn on but nothing on monitor.?
Sometimes its the most simplest things that throw us after puttingtogether a computer of our own. It seems like you've covered the basics already though. Make sure that everything is seated properly and fully. Next check out the video. Have you tried hooking up your monitor to the onboard video? If you get video from that you may want to move on to checking the videocard next. As i said before, make sure it is seated properly and that power is supplied to it from the PSU. If that comes back bad after the video checks good on the onboard video for the motherboard, your videocard is bad. If the onboard didn't give you a video then yor motherboard is bad.
Should Bill Maher resign from limelight totally since hes now essentially a proclaimed antichrist and sexist?
This man keeps getting worse and worse I think sometimes horns might come out of his head since he loathes the idea that anyone can have some form of religious of faith and then he called Sarah Palin a C Word, has this man ever done any charity work or anything decent instead of just being outspoken on HBO were he is allowed to be and make alot of money doing it for some reason!!
I'm still in love with my ex, whom I no longer talk to, and I don't know what to do. Help?
Let me make a long story short. I met my ex about a year ago, and immediately I knew he was the one for me. He was the first person to ever stick up for me, and make me feel like I mattered to someone. I could tell him anything and he'd never judge me. He was the first person I ever trusted, and i've had trust issues my whole life. Basically, he was THE ONE person I had been waiting for my whole life! After 9 months or so, we finally decided to move in together, and that was tough. I have overbearing parents, so of course, they weren't too pleased by that idea. Sadly to say, I didn't want to stay with him any more although I loved him, because he had a much lower income to what i'm used to and I was scared to live in the neighborhood he did. I know that sounds awful, but when your used to living in a upper middle class family your whole life, you can't help but react that way. Anyways, this is when it gets ugly. He introduced me to his friend, who fell completely head over heels inlove with me, and although I was attracted to him, I didn't love him the way I did my ex. Of course, this brought alot of conflict between all 3 of us, and my ex just stopped talking to us. I feel so bad, but at the same time my ex was a bit controlling while his friend was this calm sweet I thought. Plus, his friend had a good income. No, i'm not a gold digger ok? I was helpless. I unfortunetely, chose to be with the friend, instead of my ex. My ex had alot of problems, so did I, so it was hard to deal with all of that, especially when your going through a major change in your life. My family didn't speak to me, it was awful. Anyways, it's been almost 3 months since I last talked to my ex, and from what I hear from other people, he's in very bad condition. I live with my current "boyfriend", the friend, and although he's nice, I don't feel like I matter to him. His friends hate me and talk **** about me behind my back to him, and he doesn't do a thing. Yet, when I defend myself, I get heat for it. Everytime I want to talk to him about something that bothers me, he just storms out of the room to smoke a cigarette. I want to be honest and tell him how I REALLY feel, but am afraid because he strongly loathes my ex. As for the making me feel inferior to everyone else, My ex NEVER did this. With him, I felt like I mattered to someone. He stood up for me and was always there for me. I'm still in love with him, and I wish he was still in my life, but I don't know how he'd react. I wish I can see him to make sure he's ok. I feel awful for what I did, and now, i'm hopeless. I want to find him, see him again, and be with him. I realized I made the biggest mistake of my life. I lost the man of my dreams. What shoudl I do, someone please help me!
Calculation of IV fluids?
800mls of sodium chloride 0.9% normal saline is dripping at 50 drops per minute. The IV set delivers 20 drops per ml. How long will it take the patient to receive the infusion
Hi we are in the process of buying a bungalow but!!?
You cannot move in until the contract is finalised and all of the monies have been transferred, once this happens it is your property and you move in from that point your solicitor will tell you what needs to be done about the sun room and this would normally mean that the present owner needs to get permission verified, or the valuation reduced because the room will have to be removed, or you could take the chance of reducing your offer and try to get permission to keep it yourself and if permission is refused, take it down and start applying for planning permission for a new extension, I assume that the son has no legal right over the property and his mother is now the sole owner, if so, what he wants does not effect the sale, of course, you stand the chance of losing your buyer if the sale takes too long, so you have to either sell and move out, which means putting your furniture into storage, or taking a chance and stay put until it is sorted out, only you can know what option is best for you, I doubt that you will get any help with hotel fees so you need to find a place to stay on a temporary basis such as a short term let on a flat or a cheap bed and breakfast, sometimes it is better to just look for another place to buy rather than go through all of the hassle, this is obviously going to be a stressful time for you, I hope that it all works out fine.
I loathe my mother a lot?
Explain To her How She is acting is not Ok and that she should seek counseling to aid with these problems...
Computer Hardware issues?
i think a unknown application( game) may effects this cause to u r Pc,it having errors and it going to be access when u r using computer.find it(it may have viruses)delete the program.
LGBT: Your thoughts on "Straight-Acting"?
There is nothing wrong with using that term because if the stereotype that has been set in place for gays. Many gays don't agree with the saying all gays talk funny, walk funny, love shopping, want to have girls night, etc. You don't have to show any sign of gayness to be can be seen in others eyes as one of the straightest guys they know but really be gay. Saying "straight acting" is not right just means you follow stereotypes because you can't seem to just let ppl live the way they feel comfortable. Or its just your way of making the way you act the stereotype seem normal to yourself. One can know exactly who they are and be comfortable with them self and say they are straight acting and be gay. Being gay just means you like the same sex...not that you can't have any straightness to you.
What are your top 10 favorite movies that feature a song by The Rolling Stones?
Not a big stones fan but I do like Wild Horses and am not a big horse fan in real life it's strange.
Will hiring company question positive drug test result with Rx?
It really depends on the position you are applying for. The company is not going to care that you take medication to control pain. But if you are going for a high-stress job, or a job that requires a lot of physical strain or long hours, the company is going to view your use of oxycontin as a risk. The medication could make you drowsy, and they have to protect themselves from any accident that could happen.
How effective is ketamine for lowering opiate tolerance?
i am going in for a 5 day ketamine infusion to lower my tolerance to opiates. how effective is it. what dose will it lower me down to if my tolerances are 90mg oxycodone, 100mg morphine, 250mg codeine. thanks i just want to know if it's a waste of time or not and what doses i will be able to have after.
Audio problems with my XBOX 360 Slim via HDMI cables?
I recently purchased a new HDtv and have since hooked up my 360 and ps3 to it via HDMI cables. Every time I play a game where the audio gets hectic (firefights in a shooting game) and lots of sounds are going all over the place, the audio will cut for 1-2 seconds. I figured it was the HDMI cable, so i swapped it with the one i was using on my PS3. The problem persisted. I than thought if I plugged the XBOX where I had my PS3 plugged in, it would fix this problem. This did not work either. I should mention i have no audio drop problems on my PS3 or PVR box. I am wondering if it is the Xbox or the TV.
I'm depressed, i've been through a lot more than your average 22 year old, and i don't know what to do?
I've been through a roller coaster ride this past month has been very difficult, I'm a heart transplant patient, have had heart failure with the transplanted heart, and of course day to day problems. But this past month has been extremely difficult, since september i've been sick again with my heart, november i had procedures done infusion treatments done. with all that going on my boyfriend in october said he needed a break because he couldn't take the arguing, and we eventually got us back in order but the fighting just continued and got worse since being sick and getting sicker. I have my bad days and my good days but its all so emotional and he doesn't think its fair to him the way he's treated but i don't know? So getting to march he broke up with me the end of February and that week my heart went into a fib, and needed another open heart surgery proceudre. once i told him on his normal 3:30 phone call i was in the ICU he didn't think it was that serious!! and weve been texting this month mainly me trying to get answers cause there's a chance i could go. as he's been being "nice" but not being fair to me, i just can't get over some of his antics and he can't seem to understand i've been sick this whole time and its emotional and i know that its wrong to take it out on him but theres so much. I just started citalopram and i know it takes a while to kick in but i feel that it may not work, i would love advice, guidance, and i know it sounds so petty to be concerned about a boy while your life is at stake, but believe me its everything from the heart, to the normal break-up feelings which i might be taking them a bit harder, with life itself.
I have tear drop shaped cells also. I have low white count, platelets, and hemoglobin. I have high monocytes.?
I have low iron levels too. I have had a history of anemia and low platelets for approximately 10 years. I have had iron infusions in the past. I now have tear drop shaped cells and fatigue and bone pain. The lab report says that the findings are sugetive of inadequate hematopoiesis by bone marrow. Can someone explain what this means please?
Where can I swap Blackberry PINs?
This website is wicked for swapping blackberry PINS! They've got thousands of users from all over the world, and the site is easy to use from both my Blackberry and computer!
Movies like Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas?
This is the best movie! Spun and Requiem for a Dream are also my favs. I wanna watch a movie right now What are some goood ones like similar to these??
Would This Make My Hair Grow Longer ?
Olive oil is good but mustard oil is stronger! Yes this would speed up the growth process but not by much! Use also need vitamins, haor growth depends on it! Never use conditioner or wash you haor too much because this leads to haor falling out!
I'm 14. My mom has been sent to a neurologist to an another town! Please help!?
Your mom could have a whole lot of things or she could have nothing at all. Until she is evaluated by the neurologist neither she nor you or even the doctors know what is wrong. Be patient and wait until she gets a diagnosis and then deal with it. It isn't easy to be patient but it is better than working yourself into hysteria that will benefit neither you nor her.
Could someone please proof read my essay?
I don't know much about this but maybe you should include the other side of the story ( i.e. why the socs aren't more of a disgrace...)???
Whats the best motor for my 93 prelude?
the timing belt went out on my prelude with the H22a1 and it has 140 on it im thinking that is is a good time for a swap... is there a better engine that would not require alot of modification to install or would it be better to just build mine up? thanks
AJ for Fitz/DJax PPR Keeper league?
i would see if you could just get the running back your after would suck to do a deal simply on the hope that you can then flip a guy or 2 for a running back you have your eyes seems fair but i worry you will have alot of good wr but nothing else if you can move one or two of them.....all the best though, hopefully you get what you want.....
Is it legal for the only Oncologist in the county to deny you service after being an ongoing patient for years?
My mom has had cancer for almost 10 years...she has beaten 5 different types and is now suffering from lung and liver cancer. Her doctor gave her a 30 day notice this past week saying that he will not treat her anymore after 30 days. Siting inappropriate outburts and refusing consultation as grounds. My mom said she was at the emergency room all of Thursday with severe stomach cramps, this is how she found out she had colon caner about 10 years ago. Well she had a Chemotherapy infusion on Friday and that takes about an hour and the doctor was supposed to come down and talk to her, well after waiting 4 hours she said "i just want to get the f*** out of here" not angrily just out of frustration to the nurse the nurse said "I completely understand you were here most of yesterday as well!" so she tried the doctor again and got no response so my mom left. Well my mom got a call from the doctor's head nurse about 3 hours later and she told my mom she had to come pick up her records and explained that my mom had 30 more days of treatment there and she needed to find another oncologist. My mom is well below the poverty level for income...the state wouldn't let her get disability because she beats a cancer then gets a new one but with little to no downtime between the outbreaks. Her sole income is from social security and she had to fight to get that. She can not work since she has chemo and radiation therapy multiple times a week. She also just lost her house where she lived for 20+ years. I've tried looking at the Code of conduct and some of the legal guideline but its extremely difficult to find what im looking for, and I am not versed in "legalese" so most of it makes little sense to me. So I turn to you Yahoo answers community to help me out...any help is desperately needed and would be greatly appreciated!
Which science course should I take during college?
I would take the intro computer science but if it does not have excellent marks on rate my professor take chemistry. Make sure what ever you take your freshmen year transfers to other schools and academic programs. I transferred to another schools and changed major after freshman year and lost a few credits.
What are things your can do to your arm?
Injury wise. I'm curious cause I know there are breaks fractures infusions and bruising. But what else is there? Please explain each one and the care provided for each. Thanks!
Car accident insurance?
Insurance company might need more information, they want to see your car damage and see if whiplash would have even been an issue. Some people like to get more money than they really need.
Saturday, August 6, 2011
1994 dodge shadow engine swap 3.0L 5speed.?
ive had this dodge shadow about a year and a half. my throwout bearing was going but i wasnt gonna tear the motor out to just change it unless i was putting a new motor in it. So i bought a motor from a junkyard it came out of a 1995 chrysler lebaron with only 60,000 miles on it. i bought new clutches, new water pump, new plugs and wires, and distributor. and tore the old one out and put the new one in...which went pretty damn well and i was happy with the job. it fired up first try but i have a miss. not a constant miss but a hesitation. it seems to clear up over 3000rpms. but not always its weird. does anyone have any suggestions or anything on what could be wrong. i really need this car to run. i like it alot. its been a damn good car and i wanna get atleast another year or 2 out of it. so PLEASE anyone. thank you for reading
Samsung DVD Drive is missing driver?
What is the model of your Samsung DVD Drive? Which tool do you use to burn these files? What are you trying to burn and what are the resources of the files? It may be the DVD burning side of your drive is faulty. Did you contract to Samsung or send a report to get help from Samsung? If you want to update the driver of your DVD drive, you should go to Samsung website or maybe Dell website. If you can’t find suitable drivers on both of the websites, maybe you need some driver update tool. Hope this helps.
1998 Subaru Legacy 2.5 GT ticking sound?
Sounds almost a rod knock but goes away at about 2800 rpm. I've heard that in '97 they switched to a hydraulic lifter and needed to have the valve reset every 100,000 miles. The car is getting close to 140,000. I don't know if that's true or not, but if not what else could the sound be? It sounds like it coming from inside the motor somewhere. I have no clue where anything is in the motor, I've never worked on a Subaru before other than a motor swap. This is the cars second engine and i'd really like the keep it alive this time. I know these engines have a thing for dying.
Can I smoke weed while I'm on chemo?
It is possible for it to react with the chemo, but you cannot know for sure. Just wait until you are cancer-free! Don't risk your life for something that would be "just for fun...."
So residents of Sydney are being paid to swap the city for rural life?
Well moving people means the services (supermarkets, big stores and all) will need to be provided where they move to. So then they are no longer in the countryside. Personally, i think paying people to leave the country is better.
Why do I loathe people so much?
Some days I feel so much contempt for the vast majority of mankind... myself included in that number... should I do a Hitler or are there better ways to vent my impotent rage?
I have a 1996 4.6 lincoln and i want it faster help?
i have a hot rod that i just got it is a 1953 ford customline on a 1996 lincoln frame with a 4.6 engine. now like every guy i need some speed so, can i get some info not sure what can be done with fords as i have had chevys forever. anyone know where i can get some info on interchangeable parts or even engine swap info what could i put in there on the frame. like to keep things simple. can you supercharge a 4.6? just any info would help not looking to make it 10sec car just give it some balls. would like to be able to smoke a 85 iroc lol. what kind of mod can be done. open to anything thanks in advance
I need help choosing a new name for myself!!?
I truly loathe my name(maryjane) and have been wanting to legally change it for years.I would love suggestions.I'm no spring chicken so nothing too cutesy.
My wife sorta cheated on me, now I don't know if I want kids with her?
Dude, I don't mean to criticize, I know this is rough but love does not conquer all, and it sounds like your wife is not completely in the marriage with you. She's emotionally and/or physically checked out. You've been through marriage counseling and it sounds like you've both determined you need/want to settle in different locations. Perhaps, despite how much you love one another, you're not the right fit.
Where do I go to discuss medical insurance options ?
Washington State has one of the most generous state sponsored insurance plans in the country. Contact the Washington State Health Insurance Pool regarding your eligibility.
Trying to think of a film?
about people on an aeroplane stars Cheryl ladd where people travel in time to swap the people who die in the crash for already dead people
Which list of ingredients is more potent for a skin lightening cream/serum?
the second one sounds more legit , because it has more natural ingredients that your skin will react positively to. could you tell me the name of it? also whats beneficial about the second one is that it has added vitamins A and E, which are beneficial to help skin rejuvanate and heal from scars. btw, the first list sounds like the ingredients for hot sauce lol. i wouldnt use that!
Please rate my pokemon soulsilver team for online battling?
Nice, didn't you already ask this? I remember answering a similar question.. Anyways, your team is really good and I would keep Slaking. Giga Impact really creates a good Stab but he doesn't really needs to recharge due to his ability (or vice versa?). If I were you I would switch out Rampardos. He is an awesome attacker, but lots of Competitive Players have at least a dragon type most of the time. I would suggest a Dragonite or Garchomp. Both of these are awesome attackers except Dragonite is more "tank like".
Friday, August 5, 2011
I have 2 pc's and I want to swap the hard drives. Both have XP sp3 one is 20 GB the other is 80GB?
Jumpers on both set to CS. took the 80 GB from a Pentium III 930 MHZ installed it in a MS-6378X-L Athlon 1.7 GHZ. Now it won't boot, getting a message "floppy drive failed" referencing the secondary slave drive, which there is none. Any suggestions?
I have period like feeling but no period , so Wheres my period?
Ohkay so , the last time ive had sex was on March 8th. my ipod period app said period was suppose to come March 27th , it didnt so ive been drinking parsley infusions since this past friday and my next period is estimated for April 24th (in Six Days) a week ago i took an EPT test it was negative and the due date on the test was (2012/09) . so where is my period ????????
Laptop will not boot OS or BIOS?
OK, so this morning, I woke up and turned my Toshiba Satellite a505-s6965 laptop on, and left the room. I have a dual boot, so it boots to the grub menu, and after 10 seconds, automatically loads to linux. When I came in, it was loading to linux, so I pushed the power button and turned it off, as I have done countless times. Then, when I turned the computer on, the computer loaded past the option to load BIOS, and then got to a black screen, with a little white underscore in the top right corner, this normally does this, but now it was not blinking. I waited 5 minutes, still the same thing. I restarted and tried to load BIOS, by pressing F2, as it says, but this does not respond, and it goes back to the black screen. I took out my Ubuntu LiveCD, and popped it in, and tried to load it from that, still nothing. This, was where I was assuming that the HDD got messed up. That did not work, so I went to an identical a505-s6965 and swapped out hard drives. The working laptop loaded all my files without a problem, and the broken laptop would not load the files of the working one, with out doing the same thing. So, what could my problem be?
IS This Poem Horrible (Does It Emanate Any Feelings)?
I have to agree with my sis, LC and wonder always why any include their age, but more I wonder why so many of the young or new, so often start by saying a ting is bad???
What would be good for my hair?
Ok so I am an African American, and I want something to use to help strengthen and grow my hair. So far, I have been using , Smooth'n Shine Therapy Silk Infusion 60 second Critical Repair. It has made my hair glossy and extremely soft. But, I want to know what I can use as daily grease to help strengthen (something with olive oil.) I've heard of Jojoba Oil and Olive Oil but I can't seem to find the jojoba oil.
How does a dr figure out whats causing your anemia?
I have anemia and long story short i am thinking of going to a new dr about this. How would the dr know whats causing it? I took iron supplements and my levels decreased by 10. My aunt was suggesting an iron infusion just to get everything back to normal to see how I am feeling kind of like a faster experiment rather than take this much for a much and blah blah blah. I also have a heart condition complete heart block and which both have some of the same symptoms so i need to rule everything out before getting a pacemaker
Making a sleeper car, tips?
OK, I'm short of money so I'm buying my grandma's 96 Nissan Sentra GXE. Not a very sporty car but I thought it would be a funny car to make a sleeper out of. I'm going to buy a performance cold air intake, race clutch system and headers but don't know anything else to buy to make it faster. I was wondering if there are cheaper part swaps that could make the car faster, I would like to spend less than $1,500 after I buy the other parts. Also, since sleepers look just like run-of-the-mill cars, would it give it away if I bought some new rims? I want to do some body work, re-paint it white and buy black 15" rims.
I Like a Girl Who Doesn't Like Me Back, How Do I Get Her Out of My Head?
I've liked this girl for 2 years now, and I told her (we just graduated out of 8th grade) that I like her at a party, and she doesn't like me back. And for nearly a week now I haven't been able to forget her, I've just been moping around, self-loathing and hopeless. I really need some help to get her out of my head, thanks.
PE gcse, should i go ahead with it?
heyyy.. so im year 9 and chose my options a couple months ago but recently swapped one for p.e cos i chose food and cant cook.. anyways, i have no idea what it actually includes? all ive heard is the thing about choosing 4 subject areas.. id do gymnastics swimming life guarding and badminton but apart from this i dont know what to expect, all ive heard is it is 60% practical on your final grade.. anyone with experiences or what not would be sooo helpful! also, i want to do radiology so will p.e be any use to me or can you reccomend a subject that will be? i've got science covered cos im taking tripple.. THANKS:D
IPhone 4 Help Needed?
Many are complaining about this. It is because T Mobile got themselves in trouble with fraud and was sued. They are forcing you to merge with ATT. It is just pending FCC approval. They want everyone to buy new phones so they can make money and they know full well that the phone wont work. Please do not sign a new contract or you will be hit with early termination fees.
Who would you like to see swap rides now?
The Tony Stewart, Lewis Hamilton swap was really fun for the fans and drivers...who would you like to see try it next?
How can i swap my engine?
I drive a 2002 honda civic ex coupe, and i want to put a newer, less miles, and a FASTER engine inside. Im mostly looking for a bit more power, plz help ? How much would it cost, and how much would putting it in cost?
What are good pranks to play on people?
Get a hold of her phone and text as many people on her contacts list. With things such as "I love your hard, wooden ruler" and things like that. I did it to a Friend and I laughed my *** off :D its best if you text someone at the party so their like WTH Catie?
Should I buy biosilk silk therapy?
I have aussie 3min miracle, garnier fructis sleek n shine leave in conditioner, and neutrogena triple moisture split end mender. I want to either buy chi silk infusion or biosilk silk therapy. I want my hair to be softer, shinier, and have as little frizz as possible. They both are more on the expensive side, so I really want to know which one I should buy... Thanks!
How do I stop loving my son?
Hunny, you and your son need some serious psychiatric help (separately is probably the best way to go about this until this scandal passes by). This is not normal, and although it may of been something you felt was out of your control... these sort of tendencies need to be left on the side lines. Please please please go to a therapist, talk to someone besides yahoo.. this is a serious problem, and it has already started to run your life, don't let it take over. Best of luck to you and your son.
Are you anemic and have problems getting pregnant?
all my life i have had anemia problems now i know this is asking and answering but i just want to tell my story and hopefully help those who are unable to get pregnant i was unaware of how bad my anemia was and i couldn't take iron pills because they would not absorb into my blood and i refused blood transfusions i finally met a hematologist who started me on iron infusions through IV i had zero stored iron and my iron level was about 4 normal is i think around 14 my doctor told me that i was basically a walking dead person and he had no clue why or how i was even walking my blood cells were so small that they could barely see them through microscope no i dont have any diseases either that would cause this only a blood disorder a year ago after receiving a good amount of iron infusions and my levels were almost back to normal but my cells were still small and abnormally shaped keeping in mind that i thought there was something else wrong with me that i could not get pregnant as i tried for 8 years with no success i had a miscarriage a year ago didnt even know i was pregnant now i am 8 weeks pregnant and 4 months ago my doctor told me my cells were back to normal and my iron levels were great just when i was starting to accept the fact that i could not have anymore children and was very depressed because of it my little baby is growing in my tummy right now and im so excited i cant wait to hold her/him i owe a big thanks to my hematologist i hope that some of you can also use this information to help you
Can't Install Mac os x on my MacBook.?
I'm trying to do a fresh install of snow leopard, but after booting from the DVD and choosing the language a message pops up saying "Mac os x cannot be installed on this computer". I have a 2.1ghz intel core 2 duo white MacBook it is currently running os 10.6.6. I have verified the hd and checked that it is a guid partition table. Although I did swap out the memory sticks from an acer laptop a while back they run at 667mhz the same as the originals ones and I did a hardware check, and theyre fine. I don't have the original ram but could this be the problem, what else could it be??? Any help would be much appreciated.
Harddisk crashes works fine when i swap ports?
My hard disk crashes and the system is unresponsive for quiet a time but when i swap the SATA ports it works fine any ideas?
I don't feel like myself.?
don't be in denile. you might be depressed. depression is an illness and can be treated. you have all the symptoms. so its time to go to your doctor and get the medicine to keep things under control.
What happened to the indian girls..gosh,ban all the porn sites in India!?
read it carefully..with the advent of internet and media,indian girls have resorted now to revealing clothing..ok,that can be acceptable as long as she is not having random sex..the thing is ,the concept of boyfriend it someone to just have sex with?..or is it someone you really love and care for and wish to take it all the way to marriage?..some men prefer the former and girls nowadays seem to be perfectly fine with it..they keep swapping people..dont tell me its the hormones..i know that..its a matter of controlling it isn't(porn takes away the control from you)...i not against premarital sex..i am against random,what about the good guys who have not a relationship till it wrong of them to expect the same,to be the first one to love them...relationships are not bad..but if they don't take it till marriage..then it is safe to assume its only for the sex,yeah?that's the real perversity
Can you help me from going crazy in my Loneliness?
Now, before you get you make assumptions, I am not a pessimistic self-loathing slump on the floor. I live in an area I'm new to. The only people I know here are family, and I have a F***ed up sleep schedule that makes me seem like a vampire, which doesn't help facts because most people I meet here go to bed at sanely decent times whereas I go to bed about dawn (waking up from 1 to 4 in the afternoon). Now, I don't think I'm becoming psychotic in anyway shape or form, the "craziness" I'm feeling is more on par with the feelings of boredom. I've kept myself busy, but right now I just need someone to do stupid **** with. Now the question is, How would I go about doing this being the nocturnal person I am.
Could I have Borderline Personality Disorder?
Yeah it does sound like Borderline. You don;t say how old you are which may be why they hesitate to diagnose you... Borderline and other perwsonality disorders are not diagnosed until after the age of 18 because they have to be long standing before they will diagnose them.
Is Tylenol 3 addictive?
i was just perscribed this for my pardical infusion (fluid around heart) can i get addicted to this?
Do you feel like ovulation test are a waste of money? well at least in my situation should i use them?
Me and my hubby have been going to a fertility specialist for a year I was on clomid until the dr noticed I should have a laproscopy, tubal dye infusion, and a hystopinogram and discovered my tubes were blocked completely ....they were uncloged and now I'm suppose to be ok....that's was my only I'm on femara this time around I started in march I didnt have any luck my dr told me to start testing while I'm on the pill? This has been a very long process.....I'm open to suggestions stories anything!!!!
Why do Humans refuse to admit that they are just a failed product of evolution?
It's just so frustrating as hell how Humans persistently refuse to loathe themselves and admit that they are just inferior products of evolution since they have such unimpressively frail bodies that are too physically inadequate for them to survive in a healthy natural environment without their fancy destructive technology, plus they have only been around for such a short amount of time while other animals such as the Dinosaurs have been around far longer and also evolved much more physically imposing bodies.
White Americans, do you sometimes break down and weep for the injustices we have brought?
I am not an American,but as many of you first came from my country I think rather than be ashamed you should be proud of what usually white people have done for for the black and red indian people in your great country. When your first settlers rode along the wilderness they found just that-wilderness. You had to create a nation out of nothing which everyone has had the benefit of. When you hear your anthem there should be tears rolling down your cheeks-of pride not of sorrow.
Where can i buy good loose leaf tea in Perth?
Where can i buy good loose leaf tea in perth? I use to frequent a little store in Leederville called Crave On but it seems to have closed down. The store owner used to have a whole wall of loose leaf teas and she would add infusions like dried orange peel, rose buds, cammomile and jasmine (just to name a few) right there in the store depending on what i needed and wanted for things stress, concentration, sleep, energy or anything else you could think of... It was AWESOME! I'd love to find another place like that but have no idea where to start. Google was a fail. HELP!
This will sound bad but hear me out?
My ex broke up with me about a month ago and she is going through a rough time. THe thing is her birthday is coming but i still want to acknlowledge it and get her something because i still want to be her friend. Now.. the thought came to me about what would happen if she was so moved that she wanted to "have fun" for old times sake. I loathe the 'friends with benefits' concept. The man side of me says hell yea... but the real part of me does not want to go down that road unless she wanted to get back together with me which i dont think would happen. If i refuse, would she be insulted? Its a thought in my head. Advice?
Weight Problems, 5'6 and going a bit yo-yo..?
Yes it will! You have the right idea. Replace processed snacks with fruits and veggies, drink alot of water, and eat well rounded meals and you'll lose those dew extra pounds in to time. :)
Compatible Eclipse Engines?
I have a 1996 Mitsubishi Eclipse 2.0L DOHC 16v. Long story short the motor is shot and I really didnt put much money into it but i dont want to give up on it. Im wondering what motors would be compatible with this vehicle, other than another eclipse, so i could basically do a "swap."
... hard drives are not made by the brand names they are made by different companies and are can be swapped out with each other it doesn't matter what brand the case is the hard ware inside can be swapped with each other. if you want to replace your computer just swap the hard drives that way you don't need to reinstall everything
How do I move on from from my ex-wife, whom I loved deeply, though she cheated on me? ?
Ya that's a tough one. If you have to deal with her its going to be hard getting over her. Just remember she cheated on you.
Thursday, August 4, 2011
To all LADIES: How would you feel about this?
I am going to assume the ladies who answered your first question are very very young (16 - 23 years old or so). Once a woman hits around 25, things like a one day photo shoot at Vegas means nothing. The older a woman gets, the less things like that matter. If it's every weekend or all the time, then yes, the guy is a man whore!
What should I do in between hair washes?
Ok, so I am just going to do an experiment with my hair because I hear you are not supposed to wash it everyday. I think its gross and I feel gross from not washing it, but if it is going to make my hair healthier, then I will have no problem with trying it out. A little bit about my hair...I have an oily scalp around my forehead, above and behind my ears when I do not wash my hair, but it is dry throughout the rest and my hair does not separate from one another if you were to run your fingers through it. I have fine hair, but my hair is very soft and not too dull. I also highlight my hair. In the meantime I have put baby powder in my hair to hide the oil. What should I do in between washes? I use Chi silk infusion before I straighten my hair and it makes my hair very pretty. Also, do you have any shampoo recommendations for someone with dry/highlighted/thin hair. Which type of brush is best to take my natural oils from my scalp to my ends?
Whats a good android phone for at&t?
im looking to swap over from tmobile to att early, and am looking for a good quality android phone for low price. qualifications would include good processor, good screen resolution and size, durable, and easy on the wallet. any suggestions?
Compatible Eclipse Engines?
I have a 1996 Mitsubishi Eclipse 2.0L DOHC 16v. Long story short the motor is shot and I really didnt put much money into it but i dont want to give up on it. Im wondering what motors would be compatible with this vehicle, other than another eclipse, so i could basically do a "swap."
What to do about holiday vacation coverage for a coworker?
Speak with the supervisor and tell him/her that you agreed to work the complete 3 day holiday schedule since it entailed overtime and that your co worker shouldn't be allowed to make last minute changes after you have already made plans.
This is making want to never go out again?
Sadly, the public sucks. My sister was in the same boat when this guy approached her and pretty much told my mother and I that we need to feed her something. It got me so pissed, but honestly all I could say is don't you realize its called being sick. I think people have such an easy time talking crap on others just to make their own lives seem less screwed up. The only thing I can consider is counseling. Let this out in the open and talk to someone. I know it sucks, but honestly talking to someone can alleviate the stress you have from this. I can't really do anything to the public as much as I would love to sit them down and tell them their own flaws. As you know life isn't that easy. I also must say I have the same problem, but with skin... I have lighter skin and well I once had this guy call me names that you would not believe and honestly I couldn't do anything because it was in public. I finally went to counseling to try to alleviate the anxiety I had and must say it has worked. I am still going, but honestly while talking to some for some reason all the weight that was on your shoulders somewhat goes away. I wish you luck and hope all gets better .....with health and the morons of the public..
Help with nursing books!?
in the UK: what reference books (eg BNF) do nurses in hospital use commonly? Specifically ones on injectables and IV infusion.
Is this rape/molestation/child abused or consensual?
damn i saaaayyy,, smoke a joint !!! what you do about it anyway, than just to get over it and move on!!
Should I buy an apple Ipod Touch?
I think it is a little overkill to buy a whole iPod Touch just for the book list application. If you are going to use it for more, then go ahead. yes, it does access apple applications. Personally, i don't have the book list application. Talk to someone who does and see if it's really what you want. In conclusion, i vote no. Ha ha. Hope i helped :).
In addition to Chi Silk Infusion, should I also use a heat protectant?
A lot of people seem to think the silk infusion is, in fact, a heat protectant. It doesn't say on the bottle or website and it's not proven to be one, though. So before straightening my hair, in addition to the silk infusion, should I also spray a heat protectant? Thanks :)
How do you calculate this Heparin IV dosage?
15. If there are 25,000 units in 250cc NS, that makes 100 units per cc. If 1500 are necessary per hr, you need to set the IV rate at 15 cc's per hour
How about ending ALL energy subsidies and tax breaks - wind, solar, hydro, oil, bio, ethanol, etc?
Well I am all for a form of energy that is "green" whatever that means. but it has to perform as described and be just as practical as what we use now. Until some one make it, I burn ethanol.
How to get soft shiny hair?
I have the same hair as you (half japanese -.-) but yeah whenever i straighten my hair afterward i use this smoothing milk by Garnier Fructis (thats what its called i think) it keeps my hair pretty soft(:
Is the adrenaline drug from "Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas" real?
That thing that Thompson drops on his tongue when the other guy says "As your attorney i advise you to take a hit from the brown bottle in my shaving kit"and then he says its something taken from the adrenaline gland of a living human or something. is this a real drug?
Running into friendship problems concerning her pregnancy. Help?
One of my dearest friends is pregnant. It was an accident, however and her family has not taken well to the news as they despise the father. As I loathe babies, I had a difficult time adjusting to the news, but managed to cover up for it pretty well in front of her. My man does not share my feelings towards babies and offered us up to babysit and things like that. As she nears her due date(this Fall), I realize I need to solve these issues before she actually has the thing. I don't know how to approach this to either my guy or my friend. Any advice?
Can anyone explain default swaps?
to this day i can't explain it; if the bank sells mbs's than isn't it off their books? why do they need insurance from AIG for somethign they sold? Why do you need insurance for a mortgage default, doesn't the bank just get the house back?
Why Can't I Still Accept My Gay Sexual Orientation?
You complicate what is really simple. If it rains, you don't investigate all the meteorological details - it's raining, case closed! Same with being gay - no more needs to be said
Verizon wireless service ?
If I swap a smartphone to a feature phone and go into Verizon and cancel the data package will I have to pay any fees or anything ?
Can I swap Internals on a Mac Book Pro?
If you're going to swap parts that are of the exact same brand, same type, then you should have no problem. But, even if it fits, if it is of a different model, then nope. That is basically the problem with Macs. They have a .fixed hardware, meaning the drivers are fixed too.
Can my dad and I swap upgrades?
My dad and I are on a at&t family plan and he has an upgrade avalable I have an iPhone 3GS which means I have the iPhone data plan can I use his upgrade to get an iPhone 4 with ou him loosing his old phone basically I want the phone and he wants the sim upgrade with out the iPhone data plan and if it helps he has a blackberry
Help, my hair is unmanageable, frizzy, and COMPLETELY damaged!?
Well hon, you just worked yourself into a dead end. Cutting it is the only way it's going to grow. Because if you've got as bad split ends as you say, your hair will barely grow. Again, repairing shampoo can't fix a split end either. Once it's split, you just gotta chop it off and start fresh. The fact that you don't use heat protectant spray is an even bigger thing. If it makes your hair greasy, put in some baby powder by the roots to take in that excess oil. Honestly, I use it all the time, and my hair turns out fine. Straightening it that often isn't that bad if you get it trimmed regularly and use a heat protectant spray. But since you don't do either AND use a blowdryer (more heat) you're just trying to kill of your hair. Just get yourself a hair cut, use styling products and work w/ natural hair, or if it's THAT bad, then just relax/rebond your hair. That's basically permanantly straightening it, so you don't have to always apply heat. But seriously, just let your hair air dry if you must.
Should i swap my xbox 360 with ps3?
I have xbox 360 20GB arcade modded version plus kinect sensor. should i swap it with ps3 320GB modded ? thanks for answering.
Out of these hair products: pureology serious color hair, CHI silk infusion, and TRESemme simply no frizz,?
which works best to prevent frizzy hair? My hair is naturally thick and frizzy so when it gets humid out, it tends to grow the second i finish straightening my hair. i need to prevent my hair from getting frizzy in the summer, even when i don't straighten it. so i was wondering which of these products are most effective?
Hi guys, why the intravenous infusion is painful when infusate is cold or contain irritant like potassium?
you have to put the intravenous in the irritant and the potassium in the infusion. it'll stop confusion!
According to Australian Law, What is the rule about swapping shifts?
There is no law about something as basic as this. It is company policy which means you are scheduled to work at a particular time - if someone else turns up for that shift - the company is not obliged to pay them as they were not contracted for that shift. So any shift change has to be approved by the manager - if not then you will be listed as not turning up for a shift (and three strikes and you are out with most McD stores) and the other people will be sent home.
Will apple swap my iphone 4?
the sleep button on my iphone is broken and is rapidly becoming less functional, the volume button on the side is also becoming out of use.I have dropped my iphone numerous times and there is one small crack (hardly noticeable) though it is not near any of the buttons. i know that apple exchange broken phones for free if the phone has a problem, though before i make the appointment i was wondering if apple will still exchange my phone, even with the cracks?
What causes teenage angst?
Various things depending on the individual, but most likely it has to do with their developing brains. They are in puberty, hormones are flowing every which way, and their body is changing. Not only that but they are becoming aware of more things. For example they naturally become more conscious of their position in life and really start to question things (depending on the person).
My bestfriend is 15 years old and is going through depression at the moment. Her parents are alcoholics and get drunk almost every night now. They were abusive to each other when she was about 10, but now its all verbal abuse towards her and each other. Her parents blame their relationship problems on her claiming that she doesn't let them be close towards each other. The mom gets drunk and yells, and says you have a great life you shouldn't be depressed and calls her names and puts curses on her saying she hopes she has a daughter as bad as her. Her father cheated on her mother when she was about 9 or 10 and she was the one who caught it, she saw her dad with another woman, therefore she doesn't trust her father anymore because he tricked her. The parents were separated for 2 years and she hardly saw her mom during that time period, the mom used to say things like, your going to have a new family now, and would get drunk a lot. Saw father on the weekend, he would pass out a lot and she would have to take care of him. But now she doesn't want to be nice with her parents anymore, she doesn't want to fix the relationship she has with them because she knows they wont stop drinking and being mean to her a lot. She has someone very close to talk to when she's down who she calls "Her mom, away from home" She has cut herself once about 2 weeks ago, but says she will never do it again. She has lost 5-6 lbs this month and is having trouble concentrating in school, she's restless, sleeps a very long time on the weekends, she self loathes, she gets nautious in her stomach, she has extreme sensitivity to criticism and she feels guilty when she says something she shouldn't of, and has lots of regrets. A lot of time now she just wants attention because she doesn't get a lot, she feels her life is coming to nothing! PLEASE HELP comment below <3
Wednesday, August 3, 2011
Why am i so sad all the time?
not in a mean way but.. stop feeling sorry for yourself, i think your bored..if you have loving friends and family whats really making you upset? if you don't like the way you are change it, you are you and you are the only one that can change you. so if you don't like who you are change. or see a therapist. everyone pretty much goes through these depressing stages in life, even i did, but i got over myself and moved the fcuk on.
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